September 12, 2024

The 4th Summit of First Ladies and Gentlemen: a global focus on protecting children from deportation

Today, the 4th Summit of First Ladies and Gentlemen, initiated by Ukraine’s First Lady Olena Zelenska, took place in Kyiv. With the central theme of "Protecting Childhood: Ensuring a Safe Future," the event gathered global leaders to discuss the safety of children during conflicts. One of the major focuses was the protection of children from deportation and other war crimes.

Olena Zelenska emphasized the importance of the summit, stating, "All countries face similar challenges on child safety. We must acknowledge that global safeguards are failing and work together to create solutions."

The first panel, titled "Child Safety during the War," addressed key issues such as deportation, indoctrination, and the recruitment of children in conflict zones. Prominent speakers included:

  • Olena Zelenska, First Lady of Ukraine;
  • Anne Applebaum, Polish-American historian, writer, journalist.
  • Dmytro Lubinets, Ombudsman of Ukraine;
  • Andriy Kostin, Prosecutor General of Ukraine;
  • Karim Khan, Prosecutor at the International Criminal Court;
  • Janine di Giovanni, journalist and war correspondent;
  • Darya Herasymchuk, Advisor and Commissioner of the President of Ukraine for Children’s Rights and Rehabilitation.

During the discussion, Dmytro Lubinets highlighted, "Children and war are not compatible. Russia’s aggression has led to systematic violations of children’s rights, and we must create a global system to protect children during conflicts."

Andriy Kostin emphasized the importance of justice, noting that Ukraine is investigating around 4,000 criminal cases involving war crimes against children. He stated, "Justice for Ukraine is impossible without holding accountable all those responsible for international crimes, including the deportation of children."

Reflecting on the experience as a war correspondent, Janine di Giovanni stressed: "In every conflict, it is the children who suffer most. The trauma they endure will shape their entire lives, and the international community must not turn a blind eye to these crimes."

Darya Herasymchuk underscored the urgent need for collective action: "The world cannot claim to protect children without addressing the brutal reality of child abductions and deportations. We must remember that behind every number is a child's life, and we must find ways together to bring them home and reintegrate them into their communities."

At the summit’s conclusion, Olena Zelenska announced the signing of a joint declaration, emphasizing the need for the urgent search for and return of deported children. The declaration highlighted the global responsibility to protect children from harm, with a specific focus on addressing deportation and ensuring children’s right to grow up in safety.

The Bring Kids Back UA plan, initiated by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, continues to play a crucial role in returning deported Ukrainian children and ensuring their reintegration into society. The summit reinforced the international community’s commitment to bringing justice to the perpetrators of crimes against children and protecting the most vulnerable in times of war.

The world cannot speak of protecting children without acknowledging the crisis of abducted and deported children. It is essential to keep this issue at the forefront, to remind leaders and citizens alike of its urgency, and to work relentlessly on joint solutions to ensure these children’s safe return and future.