June 21, 2024

During the 2024 UEFA European Football Championship, Ukrainian football players and fans joined the activations for the return of deported children to Ukraine

On June 21, in Dusseldorf, the fan corps of the National Football Team of Ukraine marched in support of the Bring Kids Back UA mission — the action plan initiated by President Zelenskyy for the return of Ukrainian children illegally deported and forcibly displaced by Russia.

In addition, on June 19, the Ukrainian National Football Team players participated in a creative digital flash mob on Instagram.

Both initiatives aim to highlight Russia's war crimes, specifically Russia's abduction of Ukrainian children and efforts to erase their identity. Their goal is to raise awareness among the global community about the issue of deportation and garner clear support for Ukraine as through collective action, we can repatriate abducted children and ensure Russia is held accountable for its crimes.

The deportation issue is also crucial to address in the context of the Global Peace Summit lineup, where the release of all prisoners and deportees, including children, is a key agenda item.