"Bring Kids Back UA" Task Force was established by the Office of the President of Ukraine to address two critical objectives:

  1. Investigate and implement human rights-based mechanisms for the voluntary return of unlawfully deported and forcibly displaced children to Ukraine.
  2. Develop recommendations to strengthen the international legal framework, with a focus on preventing similar violations of children's rights in armed conflicts, using Ukraine as a case study.

The Task Force comprises experts from the policy, legal, and diplomatic fields, alongside recognized professionals in children's rights protection in the context of armed conflicts, all serving in their personal capacities.

The work of the Task Force is guided by the fundamental principle of the best interests of the child.

Andriy Yermak

Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, co-chair

Lady Helena Kennedy LT KC

Director of the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute, co-chair

Andrius Kubilius

MEP, former Prime Minister of Lithuania

Father Patrick Desbois

Founder and President of Yahad – In Unum, Professor at Georgetown University, Investigator

Georgette Mulheir

Leading global expert on transforming systems of care and protection for children, former CEO at Lumos

Gillian Huebner

Executive Director of the Georgetown University Collaborative on Global Children's Issues

Dr. Helmut Sax

Senior Researcher - Rights of the Child, Human Trafficking, Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of Human Rights

Kateryna Rashevska

Legal expert at the Regional Center for Human Rights

Ksenia Karagyaur

Senior Child Rights Advocacy Advisor at Save the Children

Nathaniel A. Raymond

Executive Director at the Yale School of Public Health’s Humanitarian Research Lab

Sharanjeet Parmar

PFRU Senior Transitional Justice Advisor, former child crimes prosecutor with the Special Court for Sierra Leone

Dr. Shelley Whitman

Executive Director at The Dallaire Institute for Children, Peace and Security

Professor Manfred Nowak

Secretary General of the Global Campus of Human Rights, Professor for International Law and Human Rights at the University of Vienna, former independent expert who led the UN Global Study on Children Deprived of Liberty, former UN Special Rapporteur on Torture

Professor Diane Marie Amann

Emily & Ernest Woodruff Chair in International Law, Co-Director at the Dean Rusk International Law Center at the University of Georgia School of Law, former Special Advisor to the ICC Prosecutor for Children Affected by Armed Conflict
