August 14, 2024

Save Ukraine and Bring Kids Back UA successfully rescue 8 more Ukrainian kids

We are excited to share that Save Ukraine, in cooperation with Bring Kids Back UA, has successfully brought home eight more Ukrainian children who were trapped in the occupied territories of Ukraine and Russia.

Among those returned is 16-year-old Anastasia from Ivano-Frankivsk region. In 2021, she moved to Russia to live with her father, but after his tragic death in a car accident, she was left alone. Despite pressure from Russian authorities to remain in the country under the guardianship of Russian citizens, Anastasia was determined to return to her mother in Ukraine. Her mother faced numerous obstacles, including being subjected to FSB filtration and denied entry to Russia. Thankfully, Anastasia is now back in Ukraine, reunited with her mother.

Anastasia shared her experience of being in Russia: “When the war started, I was very worried about my mother, relatives in Ukraine, I was scared. I received insults and taunts from classmates: ‘You’re a khokhol (a derogatory term for Ukrainians), why did you come here?’ That was at first, but then it stopped because I didn’t react.” She also shared her impressions of the mandatory military training in school and the propaganda she encountered.

Each child’s return is a major victory in the ongoing mission to reunite Ukrainian families, and we will continue our efforts until every Ukrainian child is safely home.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to all the partners and volunteers involved in these rescues, especially WeAreAllUkrainians, Ron Wahid, the Humanity Foundation, and all our reliable partners, who have made the rescue of Ukrainian kids possible.